Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Michael Shrimpton Rudolf Hess-The Truth - YouTube

Michael Shrimpton Rudolf Hess-The Truth - YouTube

Rudolf Hess flew from Germany heading for the UK. He landed, by parachute and was captured by home Guard type farmers in Eaglesham, which is a village in Scotland. So why fly all the way to Scotland?
Not too far from Eaglesham is the town of Hamilton and the Duke of Hamilton had and still has a huge estate, complete with a landing strip!! This strip is now used as Hamilton Race Course. The Duke was working within the War Ministry in Whitehall, London. Amazingly, he was allocated a Spitfire fighter for his own use, flying up and down, between Scotland and England.
Hess had with him details of a possible German surrender. Who better to take these plans to than a member of the Royal family, who had German sympathies and whom Hess had previously met ??

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