Saturday, December 01, 2018

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Liberals, in America( where else would it be?). want Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer banned as they say that it is homophobic and racist!!! So I got to thinking, what other Xmas and other things would be banned if these fruitcakes got their way.
Xmas should be banned for a start as Christ, if he ever existed, was said to have been born in March or April or never. Showing off gifts embarrasses the poor. No doubt it is antisemitic and anti-Muslim too. Eating turkey/chicken/steak are obviously Animal Rights issues and should be banned.
Chopping down trees for Xmas is an environmental issue. Taking down a tree destroys a complete ecosystem by taking away the habitat of little animals and bugs, which live in trees. Could be considered to be genocide!! So ban that too!
Oh and Fairy Lights must be homophobic as is the tooth fairy.  The washing powder, Fairy Snow is racist and homophobic too. Fairy Liquid is homophobic and has sexual connotations! Snowdrop flowers.. racist.
Then there is the song, I'm dreaming of a WHITE Christmas. Nuff said on that one.!!

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