Saturday, October 20, 2018

Getting up folks noses!!

I have been posting videos, above, showing members of the public, with cameras, going from public building to public building round America to see if they are allowed to enter public areas, as they are allowed to do by Law. Many are refused access and this is when altercations may take place.
A variation is to go out in the hopes of running across police interacting with the public and to record it. Again the hope is that cops beat them, arrest them and/or detain them. Then the cops and Municipalities get sued. Another variation is to find a Security Guard who has received no training or is just disinterested in learning the rules. The name of the game, in my opinion, is to make money by suing anybody and everybody who is stupid enough to hinder them from carrying out a legal activity.
Security Guards are normally in the low IQ tranche of society and should they err very badly, they can be sued, their company can be sued and also the company for which they are all contracted to guard. They settle quickly as it is cheaper to make an offer than to pay Lawyers fees!!
Police Officers are also fair game. They can be sued, as can the towns and small cities, in which they work. This can be very lucrative. Annoying staff members, held in glass cages, usually results in no monetary return. However, staff have been known to 'call security!!!' Then the game commences.......
Now violence, of any kind, is wrong. Overweight, doughnut eating security guards or cops, should not be detaining and putting people in handcuffs for a legal activity. Oh and they let these clowns have guns, too.!! There have been cases of police drawing guns on guys holding a camera!!!
The big money makers occur when cops assault, detain and arrest people. Your talking tens of thousands of dollars coming from Civil Law claims. Nobody cares about crimes being committed, just gimme the money, tax free, of course.!!
So who is out there?? Many people are in receipt of disability pensions. They can drive, film and edit. So are they breaking disability rules?'  A good story can be sold onwards and some internet channels pay for people posting. This is income. They claim altruism and love of the Constitution all the way to the Civil Courts!! Okay, if they don't want the cash, then they should sue and give the cash to charity!!
More and more people are going out onto the streets to get into the game. All they need to do is study a few bits of Law, buy a camera, use a phone camera and off they go with dollar signs in their eyes. Some real amateur is gonna get killed or seriously injured, sooner rather than later.
As with most things American, there are now cop watchers active in the Uk. Thank goodness that the UK Government does not allow all cops and security guards to carry guns!!  There would be carnage on Uk streets. American cops are much better disciplined than Uk ones, as they follow orders, practically from birth, pledge this, salute that and on and on. Uk cops are, in general, a pretty bad lot.
Both groups or street gangs, if you prefer, will lie, plant and fabricate evidence. So cameras are good, you say? 'Cameras are good' was the reason we got gazzillions of street cameras. Have these cameras stopped or even reduced crime  NOPE! If you see an incident and the bonnets of police cars are up, the dashboard cameras are being blocked. Another trick is for one cop to stand in front of a tunic cam. Many just don't switch them on!!
The whole deal is 'just to make a few bucks!!'

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