Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Who is kidding whom??

What are they smokin' at Vets Today?  I want some,please.   Further down I posted a piece headed as being from Glen 'I've fallen out with more radio stations than anyone' Canary (God Squad member) who actually puts in the piece that it comes from Stu  'there is going to be a child sacrifice in Denver,honest' Ebb (God Squad member).  But anyway up....
They go on about a Russian Death Ray (very Flash Gordon) which turns out to really be just a laser. According to whoever, this will be used to hit tanks in Ukraine and be blamed on Iran.!!!  Why does Iran care what happens in Ukraine?   Iran is neither an ally of Russia nor the Ukraine nor the Ukraine rebels. So why would they fire off a laser?
But it gets even sillier, honest!
Gordo 'I tell lies to protect myself ' Bluff (not a God Squad member) must have decided that it was a good story and the Death Ray laser now becomes an American weapon, in a later piece, fitted,he says to a Boeing KC 707. Then we have a picture of the pod on the front of a Boeing 747 not a 707.
Any USAF vet or ex plane spotter like me, knows that the Air Force do not use civil designations. To them a Boeing 707,  cargo version, is a C 135 not a KC707.   Oh the K gives it away you shout.....well no,  the K stands for Kerosene and a Boeing 707 tanker becomes a KC 135
So who's Death Ray is it anyway?  
I have come to the conclusion that these good ol' boys at Vets are just extracting the urine or put simply, taking the piss !! Disinfo after disinfo comes out, in between the cup rattling,cigarette lighting and inhaling (um)!,feedback, squelch,  all of which they blame on Spooks.
Modern mikes are extremely sensitive and pick up loads of stuff, especially if a person is swiveling away from the mic, in a creaky old chair, while others are talking!!

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