Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Leak: US Death Ray To Be Used on Russian Tanks! Upcoming US False Flag to Blame on Iran! | Alternative

Leak: US Death Ray To Be Used on Russian Tanks! Upcoming US False Flag to Blame on Iran!

Dadum dadum dadum as the music is muted,step up, Glenn Canary,the person who has been asked to leave more radio broadcasters than anyone else,now at Vets Today with spook Adamuss board member Gordo 'I lie to protect myself' Bluff and raver Stew ' Baby killing at Denver that never happens' Vebb.

Why does Canary have to head a post by Vebb anyway? So he says that Vebb says a death ray will hit Russian tanks. Um.  Why not just use missiles?  A death ray is so  Flash Gordon!!  Anyway, Iran will be blamed. Now Gordo  'I lie to protect myself' works for www.presstv.ir which is in Iran.

Why would Iran blow up Russian tanks in Ukraine anyway??  They are no threat to Iran. But hey a name check is always good.

Bleep  squelch feed back  cup rattling  provided by folks who don't understand that modern microphones are extremely sensitive and pick up noises elsewhere if you don't put yer mouth in the way or mute them. Still, it helps the ratings to blame the spooks.

This Vets mob are just total disinfo bumbling old fools having loads of fun at the public's expense. Vut to Flash Gordo preparing the Death Ray. Come back next time and hear Emperor Ming say,' da what's up doc?'

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