Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Hippocrates Hypocrisy of the Western Medicine |

The Hippocrates Hypocrisy of the Western Medicine | Humans Are Free

In the Uk, nowadays, a doctor will not touch a patient.They leave it to nurses who, in turn, will not touch a patient, unless they have gloves,masks and gowns on. In some cases,they wear protective glasses too!!. The lowest rung on the ward ladder,the auxiliary nurse's helpers,or as they used to be called, the shit house clerks, are now doing jobs, previously done by nurses, which in turn were,at one time, done by doctors alone,who were the only people allowed near a patient. They now remove catheters, empty urine bags, change colostemy bags and do other rather dirty jobs, which many years ago, they were not allowed to do. Some are now giving injections and changing drip bottles.  Why??

Well it is all down to money, of course. Training doctors and nurses costs a lot of money and there is no return if they are off sick having caught something from a patient. Auxiliaries get 'on the job' teaching,some being shown only a few tims before being thrown in at the deep end,as it were. They are expendable, only get basic low pay and are easily replaced.

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