Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Shock FedGov Court Ruling: Police Can Kick In Your Door and Seize Guns Without Warrant or Charges | Survival

Shock FedGov Court Ruling: Police Can Kick In Your Door and Seize Guns Without Warrant or Charges | Survival

Just what is going to come in America and when?  The whole legal system is being turned upside down after centuries of little change. The powers that be know it is coming,therefore they know what will happen and how people will react to that event. They obviously expect mass conflict and not just a few isolated incidents. They are expecting a War between the people and them and are hoping that the police agencies and possibly American forces will back them up.

The Government of the day,whether it be this one or a future one, is going to do something which will make people rise up against them.  The big question is what??

Recently the Government has bought up huge amounts of ammunition. So they are,on the one hand depriving the people of bullets for the guns in circulation and on the other, stocking up for a fight.  A big one.!!  What momentous edict or event would get Americans off their couches in sufficient numbers,willing to die fighting against their own Government?  Why is it still hidden?

The Government are expecting insurrection and trying to minimise the number of weapons and bullets which will come against them. Again, I ask, what is coming in Amrica??

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