Saturday, May 17, 2014

Planning to vote in next week's Euro election? First, read this jaw dropping expose of how the Brussels elite gorge on your money... | Mail Online

Planning to vote in next week's Euro election? First, read this jaw dropping expose of how the Brussels elite gorge on your money... | Mail Online

I will not be voting as I would not encourage them!!  I have voted twice in my life. Once when I was 18, to see what it was like and later to keep the UK out of the Common Market as it was then called.

The party I liked,the Liberals did not put up a candidate the first time so I spoiled my ballot paper and the second time there was a quick rule change which screwed the result.

My seat is always won by Labour as the lemmings continue to vote for them,never changing year after year. Rarely do the Liberals bother to stand, as they know they have no chance. So I just don't vote.

I will be voting for Scottish independence.  

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(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube