Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Is Putin considering whether to expose evidence, satellite photos, proving 9/11 was an inside job? | Politics

Is Putin considering whether to expose evidence, satellite photos, proving 9/11 was an inside job? | Politics

Look forget about planes hitting buildings,forget about explosions blowing out from buildings,forget about not one bone was found, forget about nanothermite, forget about wrong temperatures to cut steel. okay forgotten all that???   Remember this....

The planes types used had two different engines fitted, one by Rolls Royce and the other Pratt and Witney.  An engine was dumped on a New York street corner which was supposed to have come from a plane hitting the tower. Guess what?  Yep it was the wrong maker for the plane supposedly used to hit the Tower.  So how did the wrong engine fall off the plane???   This had to be planned and so it had to be an inside job!!

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