Sunday, May 18, 2014

Here is a giggle for you all out there.

I got a note two weeks ago, through my door,from a contractor, who had fitted gas appliances in my neighbourhood, wanting to check my gas fire.  I duly phoned their office and told a young lady that I do not have a gas fire nor do I have gas. 'Okay, I'll let them know,' says the young lady. Last week,you've guessed it,another note, wanting access to check my gas fire.  Sod that says I,let them run round.
So Saturday, I get a letter saying that I have not paid my gas bill for £30.41 and they are adding £14 for sending me the letter. How do you use gas when you have no appliances?? Where is the gas going?  This is my worry.
They tell me that they will add £54 for a home visit.  Should they get nowhere, they will apply for a Warrant to enter my home   £52. If they execute said Warrant, it will cost me £150.
Ummmm!  My first thoughts were go ahead ya mugs!!  But why have the hassle.
 So I decide to E mail them, which I will keep in my records as sent to them. Phone calls can be 'forgotten.' I check the address, which reads on top of the letter   This is crap!  It should read help@
What is the point of putting a rubbish E mail address I wonder. Anyway, one E mail has been sent.  I will update you later. No doubt I will get the old nutmeg, according to our computer.....
We shall see........

Update.  My attempt to E mail them has been returned by the mail system.
Update.   As their E mail is wrong I tried  which was sent back. So I have now tried the old favourite,
Looks like I may need to phone them if this e mail comes back and I am sure it will be press 1  press 2 enter acc no.  stand on your head and face north etc., etc...  We shall see..... 

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