Monday, May 19, 2014

Britain offers Nigeria military advisers, RAF spy plane

Britain offers Nigeria military advisers, RAF spy plane | StratRisks

Nigeria has always been a divided country with tribes in both the North and the South taking turns at ruling the country. Each undoes the others decisions when the get into power. The capital and oil and gas are in the South.

When Goodluck Jonathan won his first election,some years ago, he made a bold move and gave the deputy leader and some cabinet posts to the Northern tribe in the hope of reconciliation. This strategy worked for about three years.

Jonathan's tribe are still winning elections and giving cabinet posts to the North.  Now this Boko Haram mob want to take over the country,by force,to make Nigeria a Muslim country. Can the two tribes unite against them or are alliance being made? Are these kids pawns in a bigger game?

Why can the Nigerian forces not find,what must be a huge camp? Why can they not use heat seeking kit to spot their fires and body heat??   Do they really care about Northern kids in the South??

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