Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Anti-Inflammatory Remedies For Pain: Used Topically And Orally (Video) | Health

Anti-Inflammatory Remedies For Pain: Used Topically And Orally (Video) | 

I have suffered from Gout for many years now mainly due to by own fault. When I was self employed as an Accountant I made a lot of money. I had two people working for me, doing the grunt work, They were self employed too and I paid them well. However, I could legitimately charge their labour at three times the amount that I paid them. They were happy and I was getting two thirds of my fees for doing nothing !!

I ate steak, with a bottle of red wine, twice or three times a week. I drank every day and life was good. I only worked mornings. Of course, my excesses caught up with me and I developed Gout in every major and minor joint which resulted in me going into hospital,several times!!

I kept working but eased up on the steaks. I still drank,heavily until on the day of my Mother's funeral, I asked myself a serious question,' do I continue and kill myself or stop drinking?'  I stopped for six months From then until now, I can take or leave alcohol and watch which foods that I eat. Too late,unfortunately,but I feel healthier.

They gave me NSAID tablets which nearly killed me!!  I had two ulcers,which I knew nothing about and they burst. It took four pints of blood to remedy that episode. They gave me dihydrocodeine and I am now addicted to them. I have never trusted doctors since.

So I advise moderation but if you do end up in pain try everything except going near doctors!!  Acupuncture and acupressure are both good. I rely on the pressure method, as it costs nothing, after you have learned where the points are on the body. Get plenty rest and continually flex muscles and bend joints. Soak in warm water. Watch what you eat and us alcohol as a prize not a crutch  as I did. Get plenty fresh air and as much exercise as you can.

Lastly take marijuana. You do not have to smoke it,you can eat it. Sprinkle on a pizza. Bake brownies or little cakes or just at it raw. It will ease pain,make you happy,restore your appetite and take away depression. Enjoy.

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