Wednesday, May 21, 2014

1500 Year Old Bible Confirms That Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe | Paranormal

1500 Year Old Bible Confirms That Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe |

I do wish that people would figure this out, it is so obvious. The current Bible is the King James VERSION. Right, okay, no argument. King James bought and paid for it and most certainly decided what was going to be in it!!  It is his VERSION.

Before this VERSION came out,there were probably thousands,possibly millions of other VERSIONS between King James and Constantine. Nobody knows just how many VERSIONS have been written in a plethora of different languages, which have all been translated from this to that language,both badly and well.

All of these VERSIONS ensure that none of them is a true account, as each VERSION is different from the ones before. The first one was put together, by vote, from handed down stories,fables and a mixture of both. Women's stories were automatically barred!! This first version was put together after a three year long conclave of religious leaders, from all over the world, called for by Emperor Constantine, which took place at Nicea. They voted on the stories which they liked!!!  Sure there might have been some truth in the first one, but every one following barely resembles the first one and has had the contents changed to suit the compilers,translators,the mood of the people at any given time and the person paying the bill !!!

The Bible is therefore fiction and should be treated as such.

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