Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ebola Vaccine Weaponized...Don't Take it under any circumstance! | Health

Ebola Vaccine Weaponized...Don't Take it under any circumstance! | Health

Last week I received a letter, from the Scottish Health folks, offering me a Flu virus injection, before Winter set in, here in Scotland. I dispatched it into the bin right away !  No way am I taking any viruses nor have I ever taken them during my life.

I was given the first part of the polio virus,when I was a kid, but I refused, point blank, to go back and take the second sugar cube. Fortunately, my parents were good and they  allowed me,indeed they encouraged me, to make my own decisions. I am not a team player due to this style of upbringing, which I am quite happy about. I have tried team working,but normally had my decision made while the rest were still kicking things about. Teams just take too long to come to a decision for me.

Later on, in secondary school, one of my teachers died from TB. All of us were told that we would have to be jagged. Well I don't take orders very well and I dodged the first try. The next week, I was sent for, to go get a jab. So I wandered round the corridors and went back to class. I never took that TB shot.

I will not be taking any flu jag either.

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