Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola Terror Attack: As Many as 5,000 Americans Infected! |

Ebola Terror Attack: As Many as 5,000 Americans Infected! | Alternative

Well if you consider the facts this number is rather conservative.

 TED was on 3 planes (2 in USA) and was in three airports (2 in USA). So he mixed with folks.  There are no reports of cases in Belgium, where he had a stop over.He went back and forward to the hospital and mixed with folks before he was treated.

There are two cases in Spain and one in Germany. all of them were in Africa working.I posted a video of a Spanish nurse in a chamber being taken off a plan which looked fake. two guys could lift it out of the plane but it took five to lift it into the ambulance! There was an IV drip outside the chamber meaning there had to be a hole in it !  But I digress  see further down for the video

Two attending nurses now have Ebola. One of whom was on  planes and in two airports. A boyfriend of one now has symptoms. Has he been out and about or at work? A story has been released backed up by flight tracker website that says the plane did five other trips before it was cleaned! So that is another five loads of passengers and their contact lists. It goes on and on.....5,000 becomes pretty small don't it?

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