Sunday, May 18, 2014

US Preparing For 'Insurrection, Riots' - Former Pentagon Official

US Preparing For 'Insurrection, Riots' - Former Pentagon Official | Blogging/Citizen Journalism

We have been told this for at least nine months so just when will this baby show itself??  The so called million truckers protest,certainly was not a million strong, but it showed that people would protest en masse, as opposed to little groups here and there. The bikers,again, nowhere near a million strong, did their protest. I began to think that these were just set up to put a bit of cash into the Washington area.

This weekend,we have the million militia protest which has turned out to be a damp squib!! Possibly they reached a couple of hundred on Saturday after a promising start on the Friday of a few thousand. America's love of hyperbole, calling these protests a million strong, was a joke. Militia folks don't come out in the rain,apparently.!! Afraid of getting their good cambo gar all wet!!

They had a chance to bring in their guns and really do some attempt at a takeover but they stayed at home.!  Strike three.  After these failures to mobilise Americans off their couches,there will be no riots. They can't afford the time off work!!

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