Sunday, May 18, 2014

Obama & His Ex-Gay Lovers (may be offensive) *videos*

Charleston Voice: Obama & His Ex-Gay Lovers (may be offensive) *videos*

Who is the guy with the mustache anyway?  Does anybody know?  Has Reggie  ever been turned inside out and shaken???  There are more questions than answers about the Obumpy tribe...........

His mother Stanly Ann Durham, if she was his mother and not his step mother was a spook and well versed in dodgy paperwork. New story is that Bumpy was born a year earlier to one of daddy's many mistresses.   Pictures exist of a slim Durham in the eighth month of her supposed pregnancy !!!!

Where were Bumpy and Big feet married and who was best man??? Who were the guests??

If Mickey big feet is in fact a trannie  where is his/her Birth Certificate and what name is on it. Are his/her parents still alive??

If the Bumpys are both men, what names are on the kids birth certificates??  There must be records of adoption, if the Bumpys are not the natural parents.

Thy ubiquitous 'they' could not have photo shopped everything,could they?? Why did they run with this guy with his cartload of problems??

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