Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Galactic Federations and Councils - Concejos y Federaciones Galácticas

Galactic Federations and Councils - Concejos y Federaciones Galácticas

These are the various entities which people,who channel, say they are in contact with all the time. However they have never seen or met them, they just get messages!!! You have Alex Collier, George Green, David Wilcock, Tolec the Skype and Greg Childes to name but a few.
Tolec has a straightman in Albert Webre and the communicate via Skype phone conversations!!  Childes reported that huge earthquakes were going to happen in America on the 22/23rd of some month, a while ago and needless to say, nothing happened.
Davis Wilcock is the big money maker in this con game with videos, books,conferences and tee shirts all on sale.
He moved into serious journalism, jumping on the Ben Fulford bandwagon and he and Kerry Cassidy concocted a ridiculous show on American Freedom Radio when David burst out crying because someone had phoned im to say that they were going to bump him off.  Mr X, thought to be Kerry Cassidy's new man, made an appearance as Cryboy's mystery protector.  I caught the show and it was sad!!! Wilcock has not posted on his site for over a month!!
They all take in the gullible, who believe that these soothsayers actually have some power that nobody else has got. If ET wanted to send messages, surely they would Fax or E Mail or just fly round with a bull horn!!!

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