Wednesday, December 07, 2011

What is the big thing coming soon?

America is gearing up to detain their citizens, by the military or civil police, then transport them, in shackles, on prison trains to camps with razor wire.  Now why?  I have been wondering what would get Americans off their couches? The only answer that I can come up with is MONEY or the lack of it!
The War on Drugs is lost. The War on Terror is lost. Why?  because there is plenty of cash, out there, to buy drugs and buy arms. So what if money was cancelled, completely, everybody had to use a card, or more likely a chip, to operate on a day to day basis, buying and selling anything.  All transactions could be traced, instantly.
Nobody could buy illegal goods or drugs or guns at a stroke! The Barter System would come back, of course, but only for a short time as there are only so many TV's you can watch at once!!!  What a scheme!!
Everything, from benefits, food stamps, taxes, fines, normally needing loads of staff would be done electronically.All bank accounts would have to be transferred to a chip account. There would be no need for banks!!! Using your computer or phone you just move your invisible money about in cyberspace.
Any dealings with foreign countries would give them credits to spend, only in America.They have captured most of the oil, so it could not be used as a weapon.Te rate of exchange would be regulated by America, too.
Your chip account gets income lodged and agreed deductions are made, instantly. Just like banks do now via direct debits and standing orders. So what's the difference?? Then whatever is left is yours to buy goods from stores, only.
Yep that would get Americans off their couches, because to them the Dollar is the almighty king!!!! 

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