Friday, July 08, 2011

U.S. Wants Gaddafi Toppled By September

Prison » U.S. Wants Gaddafi Toppled By September

Freddie Gadfly is a very, very clever man. He has to be to have taken over his country and ran it for over 40 years. he knows when to give out and when to haul in. It is simple carrot and stick psychology to us who are edumacated. But to desert Arabs and most Libyans, it must seem like voodoo.
The rebels are like rebels everywhere, they want what he has and are willing to take it by force as they have no guile. They have got their on little part of Libya, which could be cleaned out in a New York minute by freddie's forces. However the rebels have a big brother.
One town, in the rebel area, is in the top four of the World suppliers of suicide bombers. It has under a million in population. Of the other three, with millions of people, two are in Saudi Arabia and another in Libya,
They are religious nuts in general, but are being manipulated, by people with a different agenda. They are cannon fodder. Most have fought with Al QCIA but never knew they were doing so. They are the troops of Allah, who want things done their way and in no other.
It is standard destabilising of a country, where one group is set against another and both sides, are supplied by the same folks. One groups foibles are studied and used to stir them up. Another agit prop group is with the other side doing the same thing. They all meet for lunch in Canne or Monaco and then get back in their with a longer wooden spoon. It is so glaring obvious to those outside looking in. To those inside they see it as a way to reach their goals. They think that they will be able to throw of the yoke of the puppeteers when they gain power. By that time, should they actually attain that power, they will be so decadent and tainted, that they will have difficulty figuring out why they started out down the road, in the first place.
Freddie has been a thorn in the side of America, as he would not bend over and take it up the kaftan. He refused to buy into the American way and go with the flow.He didn't take the Chinese or the Russian overtures either. He played the three triumvirate members against each other, gaining a little here and a little there, by doing his version of carrot and stick. he did it well.
Libya got caught up in the Lockerbie thing as a patsy. That plane, had a team on board, who had been sent out to find out who was using the exact same route, ironically, to move vast quantities of drugs into USA. The route was burned and redundant. The investigators had it all and were going home, job done ,Merry Xmas. So they had to go. Why waste other resources, just bump the whole blown route and get them, at the same time. A slam dunk. Why were mysterious helicopters first on the seen with folks with American accents in them. They were looking to find the evidence which was, no doubt, in one of those security bomb proof cases, which the favour. But a patsy was needed to blame, step up Libya. They must have been wetting themselves. I have posted about this previously.
We had a baby shop owner in Malta, long having been a hub for the Intel crew,operated as neutral ground, where they could go to meet and greet each other and yodel about their exploits both real and imaginary.
Tony boy got millions to give evidence and he could remember, a nondescript, anonymous punter from over a year previously, who bought a babygro and some stuff, out of all the customers and browsers that he had had. Being shown a picture of the guy just before he was interview help him a little!!!! ROFLOL.!!!
So Libya took it on the chin, as they had over the Yvonne Fletcher shooting in London, which had doctored pictures, with shadows and Sun angles in the wrong places for the times of day that they were supposedly taken at. I've posted on this issue too, but you will have to dig for that one.
It was all part of the big chess game and they waited. Stalin said that revenge is a dish best taken cold and he was right. Libya has oil, lots of it. They did alright, they got by, they survived sanctions and flourished. Another finger in the eye of America.
Eventually, they paid out blood money, for something they had not done. When the oil leases came up for renewal, they hiked up the prices to recoup their outlay. Another finger in the eye. He had them over an oil barrel because they needed it, badly, to make plastic containers to put big macs into!!!! He had to go.
America is now fighting 11 wars and admit 4 of them. Libya is currently one of the 7. Where are all the boots on the ground going to come from to secure a vast, empty country, like Libya? I have raised the ugly spectre of conscription in posts. What else can they do, to continue on this World Domination Tour? The armchair Generals are getting deeper and deeper into megalomania. Something has to blow. Will the American people accept conscription? Put out as an alternative, to not working a job, in order. to advance the new American wet dream? Or will conscription be the straw which broke the camel's back? There are lots of camels in Libya.

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