Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Common Painkillers Linked To Irregular Heart Rhythm Says BMJ

Common Painkillers Linked To Irregular Heart Rhythm Says BMJ | Before It's News

I was on NSAIDS for some years a while ago. They almost killed me !!! I began to feel ill, one day. I was having, yet another Gout attack, as I though, which is why I was on them .Not wanting to go into hospital, because I would have had to take to my bed and not have been able to take care of myself, I got in the car and drove the mile or so to my Mother's for some pampering !! I got into my old room, thinking, oh dear, this is going to be a bad one, but I've made it , home, to my old room.
Sometime later, I got up to visit the toilet. I hobbled through the living room, doubled over and feeling dizzy. I could not straighten up. I then collapsed in a heap. I drifted in and out and ended up in hospital.
After FOUR pints of blood, I had lost half of my blood via internal bleeding, I began to recover. I had developed two ulcers, both of which had burst, at the same time. They had formed and burst, due to the continual irritation, caused by ingesting various NSAIDS, which had not worked, anyway.
I was very lucky. I could have collapsed and died in my own flat, where, I lived, alone. I could have crashed the car while getting to my Mother's. I could now be dead, due to NSAIDS..That was some 2o years ago now. Twenty years, that I would not have had, due to NSAIDS. I never ever take a drug from Doctors, now, without checking all possible side effects. I then decide whether to take it or not and nothing will sway me.They all have side effects, these days and I think that they are built in! You can get one thing fixed, but get another problem, from the drugs that you have taken, needing more drugs to fix that and on it goes. That is how Big Pharma makes so much money, when they get you aboard their gravy train.
I am now, clinically addicted to opiate painkillers which I must take whether in pain or not, every three or four hours. As I am so used to them I take 3  30mg tablets, each time, sometimes more, if I am actually, in pain Should I hang on and try to go without or run out of them, I then go into withdrawal, just like any drug addict. It begins with hot flushes and twitching of muscles. Then cold sweats and increased twitching. It is called 'Rattling' in drug addict parlance and it describes it perfectly. My whole body twitches and I must keep moving and walking about.. If I take some, then, it all stops within 20 minutes or so. If I had run out, it don't happen any more as I ensure that I always have plenty, there would then follow a desperate search of the flat, in drawers, in clothing pockets, anywhere that I may have planked some, for just such an occurrence. If I had found none, then the diarrhoea and vomiting began. Many times I sat on the throne, while vomiting into the bath. I tricky manoeuvre!!! You have to force yourself to eat, in order, to be able to keep bringing stuff up. Otherwise you begin to vomit yellow coloured bile and later,due to continued retching, blood.My body was purging the poison, I rattled, couldn't sleep , flew into rages, threw things about and only by concentrating on doing something, could I survive until I could get more. The name of this drug, that I, now, cannot do without, is dihydrocodiene or DF 118's. Ain' Big Pharma just wonder fuel  !!!!

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