Monday, January 10, 2011

Establishment Media Demonizes Tea Party and Constitutionalists After Giffords Shooting

Establishment Media Demonizes Tea Party and Constitutionalists After Giffords Shooting

Okay by most normal tests this 22 yr old shooter would be classified as mentally ill which,no doubt, will be the defence. However his actions have now been tied to White Supremisists and anti Government Groups and spoon fed to the American public who believe everything they read and see on TV. Well it must be true it's on TV!! So is NCIS and the Dating Game!
These 'talking heads' on TV and elsewhere can say anything that they want to as far as reasons go, until the true reason comes out, if it ever does. By then people have forgotten all that has been said before. If more people were taken to account for the gibberish that they spurt out immediately after an event takes place, without any facts being known, then perhaps they wold think before they place their feet in their mouths!
But by the time the truth is known they have disappeared back into the undergrowth awaiting their next appearance on a 10 second blurb.
This lady and the others were shot by a lone nut job looking for his 15 minutes of fame while he saved the Nation all by himself !!!! In my opinion. Now I'm doing it !!!

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