Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Father Harassed By CPS For Feeding Kids Organic Food

Father Harassed By CPS For Feeding Kids Organic Food

A wonderfoooooool new game has come to America and to a lesser extent to the UK too. It is called "Revenge is sweet." This is how you play. You should have a mobile phone bought for cash and therefore untraceable or just use a phone box.
If a neighbour has annoyed you by parking in your space or just farting aloud then you get on the phone and tell anybody who will listen that the neighbor is a) a terrorist b) he takes boxes to his garage and there is a smell of gunpowder when he opens the garage door c) I just saw my neighbour take a long bag out of his boot and go into his garage. I think it has a RPG in the bag.
d) He/she regularly screams abuse at the children who you sometimes don't see for days on end e) He/she is having an affair with a dog f) anything that comes to mind.
The thought police are coming soon too.
Eric Blair aka George Orwell wrote 1984 as a slag on Communist Russia after their Revolution. It was originally planned as 1948 but it was changed to 1984. I think it should have read 2048 0r 2084 as it appears much nearer the mark for either year!!

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(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube