Monday, November 22, 2010

Romanian gypsy lived in luxury with £113k benefits stolen from British taxpayers

Romanian gypsy lived in luxury with £113k benefits stolen from British taxpayers | Mail Online

How to play the system the Romanian way ! Is it any wonder that refugees want to come to the UK? If they can get here this is a land of plenty with loads of opportunities to make and received loadsa money.
Immediately a family arriving in the UK seeking asylum is deemed to be "homeless." They are then given priority on the housing list of the area in which they settle. They receive a grant for beds, a cooker and other basic needs. They receive state benefits mainly unemployment money. Many,though not all have family and friends here and part time or full time work, off the books, is found for them. Any tradesman can apply to be treated as self-employed and move from building site to building site changing addresses a few times until they become "lost." Eventually a new 714 certificate is needed and they just change to being a contractor working for the public mainly for cash.
If the wife claims that her husband has left her (away working) she is entitled to benefits including Rent and Poll Tax Rebates plus unemployment benefit and child allowance. Health services are, of course, free as are schools for the kids. Grants are available for clothing occasionally too. Hubby sends home some money and visits the kids now and again.
Come to Britain and the British will give you a house and pay for it too. They will also give you money for not working. It must seem like the land of milk and honey to many foreigners.
The guy is this item got a three year sentence which means that he will actually do about eighteen months. If he is of good behaviour and is deemed not to be a risk he will be moved to an Open prison where he can treat it like a hotel and come and go during the day. He will be allowed weekend visits later in his sentence. Give me £110 grand and I'll volunteer !!!!

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